The summer of 2015 marked the lowest three month period of pedestrians injured or killed in traffic accidents in New York City on record. Between July and September of this year, 2186 pedestrians were injured while 21 died as a result of motor vehicle accidents, compared to 2270 injured and 38 killed in 2014, and 2710 injured and 39 killed during the summer of 2013.
The record low reflects a steady decrease in general motor vehicle accident related injuries in New York City over the last 3 years. The number of passengers injured in such accidents has also decreased from 5193 and 5754 in 2014 and 2013 respectively, to 4121 during this past summer.
These numbers do not necessarily reflect a great increase in safety for motorists and passengers however. While injuries to passengers have decreased by more than a thousand incidents, passenger deaths rose in the summer of 2015 to 10, compared to 9 and 6 in 2014 and 2013, respectively. Additionally, 6043 motorists suffered injuries in 2015, as compared to 4502 in 2014 and 4968 in 2013. The number of individuals injured in bicycle accidents also reached a record high of 1648 during the three month period in 2015. The number of bicycle injuries were considerably lower at 1507 in 2014, and 1468 in 2013.
While the amount of pedestrian accidents have decreased, the number of people injured in motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents in New York City is still staggering. If you or someone you know has been seriously injured in an accident, pleaseĀ contact our office for a consultation.